Thursday, October 31, 2019

Analysis of a manager's job Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Analysis of a manager's job - Essay Example It is, he said, the series of activities related to the use of available resources to achieve a goal. The resources can be material or human, other people, inside or outside an organization of humans, which a ‘manager† has to ‘manage’ or learn how to â€Å"use† properly to achieve a specific purpose. In his case, he manages the people who work with him: the wait staff, the cooks and kitchen assistants. He includes the customers, not all of whom are pleasant to be with. He also has to manage or ‘use’ resources like the raw ingredients that go into every meal, the drinks they serve, and the place itself. The first function is planning, which involves setting goals and thinking clearly of how those goals can be reached with the people and resources he has. Peter sits down with the owner regularly to discuss profit targets, and he goes over the different ways those targets could be met. He specifies how many people he needs, especially on special days when there are big celebrations or a festival when they foresee many customers coming in to the restaurant. This function includes making a budget, specifying what types of people he should hire, how many of each (cooks, waiters, receptionists, kitchen assistants, and sometimes, valet parking attendants) to hire and the salaries he could give them. He also plans the menu with the cook and the owner, and they find ways to get good quality ingredients that do not cost too much. He often sits down and thinks hard to understand the goal (prepare a birthday dinner for a group of twenty). He asks questions like: do I have enough people, resources, and time; and how do I distribute the work (more so when the cook calls in sick on what could be a busy night)? How can we work together, with the limitations we have, so that we meet the goal on time? These are not easy things to do, especially as he has to plan what to do if any

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Statement of Purpose to Enter the University Assignment

Statement of Purpose to Enter the University - Assignment Example I expect to acquire knowledgeable concepts, information and tactics to improve my planning and development skills through which I can serve people for the betterment. There is always a room for improvement and I feel that nothing but education can fill the existing gap. By participating in the educational program at the university, I would be able to polish my existing abilities and would learn to use the new concepts in my practical life. This doctorate grabbed my attention when I completed my Masters in the field of Psychology from the same university. I have ever since worked on my skills and have served the community by working in different organizations. I have completed my Bachelors and Masters in the field of psychology and have attained relevant knowledge that can help me to pursue a degree in the doctorate. This course will help me in attaining the understanding of complex patterns of psychology along with new ideas and theories. In today’s era of globalization, it is important that one has firsthand experience in multiculturalism and I have achieved this objective by studying in a multicultural university previously. Ever since I attained the degree of masters I have used my time effectively to explore the world and work with people who are homeless and addicted to drugs. It has helped me to learn the behavioural patterns of different people as the field of psychology teaches us. I expect to acquire kn owledge on the issues related to the field of psychology in all aspects. The political, social, environmental and economic issues are somehow related to the field of psychology and I believe that with the right knowledge I would be able to serve better in my field. Knowing the value of the degree that will be awarded from Carlos Albizu University, I expect to get a reputable post in a well-known organization. The university carries great importance in the educational field and with the experience of the faculty, I think that I would be able to excel in my field.  

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Maslows Criteria of Self Actualization

Maslows Criteria of Self Actualization Abraham Maslow is known as the spiritual father of humanistic psychology. According to him, human being is a creature who always have desired. If their desired is satisfied, another will arises to take place. In the drives of fulfill ones potential, the individual will be gained happiness, growth and satisfaction. Maslow was distinguished in motivation. Motivation is the reduction of tension by satisfying lacks. D-needs or deficiency needs arise for the requirements of survival or safety, such as need for food or shelter. It motivates individual to engage in activities that reduce these drives. Maslow had proposed that human needs are arranged in hierarchy and there are five levels of basic human needs. It was listed from strongest to weakest which include basic physiological need , safety, belongingness and love , esteem and actualization. The self actualization is the weakest need which place on top of the hierarchy and physiological need is the strongest need which place on the bottom of hierarchy. Most of the people trying to fulfill physiological needs, safety , belongingness and love and esteem needs. Indeed, self actualization is a goal that less people can fully reached. Movement to self actualization is not easy and wont reached automatically. Abraham Maslow also said that self actualization as the full use and exploitation of talents, capacities and potentialities. This is because self actualization is the weakest needs and people are usually afraid of the self knowledge for self actualization that may change their self-concept. In self actualization, people comes to find out the meaning of their life and the importance of life to them. Therefore, self actualization requires freedom to express oneself and to explore. Thus, their act have to in the absence of any restriction and follow the moral value such as truth, honesty and others. Although all people have innate drive to be self actualized, but self actualized people are still very rare. Most of us not capable to achieved self actualization or only to certain degree of self actualizing, but theoretically we are able to self actualizing. Maslow identified that self actualized people have fifteen common characteristics. The characteristic includes problem centered but not self centered, spontaneous, accept themselves for what they are, highly creative, peak experience and others. Although people can achieve self actualization in their unique ways, they still tend to share certain same characteristics. The behaviors that leading to self actualization such as trying new things, being honest, taking responsibility and working hard and so on. CRITERIA TO SELF-ACTUALIZATION There are four criteria must have before a person achieves self-actualization. One of them were free or absence of psychopathology. Psychopathology is a term which refers to either the study of mental illness, mental distress or the manifestation of behaviours and experiences which may be showing out mental illness or psychological impairment. They were neither neurotic nor psychotic no partially toward psychological disturbances. This is an important point of negative criterion because some neurotic and psychotic individuals have some things in common with self-actualizing people and sharing the same characteristics such as heightened sense of reality, mystical experiences, creativity, and detachment from other people. Abraham H. Maslow will remove from the list of possible of self-actualizing people if that person showed clear signs of psychopathology. Maslow second criterion was acceptance of the B-values. Researchers have defined it formally in terms of positive and negative self-concepts. He states the person who achieved self actualization will felt comfortable with and even demanded truth, beauty, justice, simplicity, wholeness, perfection, completion, aliveness, richness, goodness, uniqueness, effortlessness, playfulness and the last one is self-sufficiency. This all values is also about B-values. We have to accept or have B-values in our own self to achieves self-actualization. Besides that, the criteria is satisfaction of each of the four lower level needs and therefore can lived above the subsistence level of existence. They would also experienced love and had a well-rooted sense of self-worth. This is because when they satisfied their lower needs, these people were better and be able to tolerate the frustration of these needs, even in the face of criticism. They are also be able of loving a wide variety of people yet love everyone with no obligated. Last but not least, the criterion for reaching self-actualization was fully accomplished of ones potentials for growth. In other words, his self-actualizing individuals have to fulfil their needs to grow, to develop, and to increasingly become what they were capable of becoming. With having all these criterions, the needs of self actualization only can fulfilled. VALUES OF SELF-ACTUALIZERS Maslow had state that self-actualizing people are motivated by the eternal verities what he called B-values. These are sign of psychological health and are opposed to deficiency needs, which motivate non-self-actualizers. B-values are not the needs in the same sense that food, shelter, or companionship are. Maslow termed B-values metaneeds to point out that they are the extreme level of needs. He differentiate between ordinary needs motivation and the motives of self-actualizing people, which known as metamotivation. Metamotivation is characterized by expressive rather than coping behavior and is connected with the B-values. It differentiates self-actualizer from those who are not. In other words, metamotivation was Maslows indecisive answer to the problem of why some people have their lower needs satisfied, they capable giving and receiving love, hold a great amount of confidence and self-esteem. The lives of these people are meaningless and lacking in B-values. Only people who lives among the B-values are self-actualizing, and they alone are capable of metamotivation. Maslow had identified 14 B-values. The values of self-actualizing people include truth, beauty, goodness, wholeness or the transcendence of dichotomies, aliveness or spontaneity, uniqueness, completion, justice and order, perfection, simplicity, richness or totally, effortlessness, playfulness or humor, and self-sufficiency or autonomy. These values differentiate self-actualizing people from those whose psychological growth is stop after they reach their esteem needs. Maslow hypothesized that when people did not met their metaneeds , they will experience illness, also known as existential illness. All people have different tendency to move toward completeness and when the movement was discouraged, they will start suffer from the feelings of inadequacy, disintegration, and lack of fulfilment. Absence of these B-values leads to pathology just same as lack of food results in malnutrition. When denied the truth, people suffer from paranoia, when they live in ugly surroundings, they become physically ill, lack of playfulness and humour. They become tired, rigid, and depressed. Deficiency of any of the B-values results in metapathology which means the lack of a meaningful philosophy of life. CHARACTERISTIC OF SELF ACTUALIZER Abraham Maslow described several characteristics of a self-actualizations peoples. Maslows theory conceptualizing behavioral define in term of a hierarchy, which the self-actualization needs is the highest of the human needs, involves the actively use of all our qualities and abilities, the development and fulfillment of our potential. Self-actualization people are those who have achieved this goal. They are characterized by their giving, calm and practical natures. Question, what are the characteristics of self-actualization? Self-actualization people share certain characteristics and Maslow concluded which is objective perception of reality. Self-actualizations people perceive their world and other people, clearly and logic, unbiased. The self-actualization people have comfortable relations with more efficient perception of reality. This is extended to all areas of life. Self-actualization people are not frightened, they will not frighten by the unknown and they have greater ability to reason, to see the truth. They able to detect the dishonest and the fake. Secondly, characteristic of self-actualization people is a full acceptance of their own nature. Self-actualization people accept their strengths and weaknesses. They do not try to distort or falsify their self-image and they do not feel guilty or shame about their failing. They enjoy themselves without regret or apology, they have no unnecessary inhibitions. They also accept the weaknesses of other people and of society in general. They accept natural events, even disasters, as a part of life. Thirdly, the self-actualization people is commit and dedicate to a kind of work. They focus on problems outside themselves and other centred. Self-actualization people have a sense of mission in life which they requiring their energy. Their mission is their reason for living in the world. This dedication to a cause or vocation is a requirement for self-actualization. They are serene, characterized by a lack of worry, and are devoted to duty. Self-actualization people find pleasure and excitement in their hard work. Forth, behavior of self-actualizer is simplicity, honest and being nature. The behaviour of self-actualization people is open, direct, and natural. They rarely hide their feelings, emotions or play a role to satisfy the society, they may do so only to avoid hurting other people. Self-actualization people are individualistic in their ideas and ideals but not necessarily standard in their behavior. They feel secure enough to be themselves without being aggressive. They are so spontaneous in their inner life, thoughts and impulses, they are not hampered by agreement. Their ethics is independent. They are individuals and motivated to keep growing. Besides that, the characteristic of self-actualization people is a need for autonomy, privacy, and independence. Self-actualizers can experience isolation without harmful effects and seem to need loneliness more than persons who are not self-actualizing. Alone but not lonely, unflappable, retain dignity amid confusion and personal misfortunes, objective. They do not go in for fads and they prefer to follow their self-determined interests. This independence may make them seem aloof or unfriendly, but that is not their intent. They are simply more autonomous than more people and do not crave social support. Furthermore, characteristic of self-actualizers is intense peak experience. A peak experience is a momentary feeling of extreme wonder, awe, and vision, the loss of placement in time and space with, finally, the conviction that something extremely important and valuable had happened, so that the subject was to some extent transformed and strengthened even in his daily life by such experiences. Self-actualization people know moments of intense ecstasy, not unlike deep religious experiences, that can occur with virtually any activity. They are special experiences that appear to be very meaningful to the person who has one. In addition, the characteristic of self-actualization people is empathy and affection for all humanity. All self-actualizers tend to have a deep and sincere caring for their fellow humans. Although often irritated by the behavior of other people, self-actualizers feel a kinship with an understanding of others as well as desire to help them. Identification, sympathy, and affection for mankind, kinship with the good, the bad and the ugly, older-brother attitude. Truth is clear to them, they can see things others cannot see. OBSTACLE TO SELF ACTUALIZATION Most of the people would like to describe the self actualization as positive in many ways , but Maslow wanted to make it clear that it was not easy to achieve self actualization. Although it was an natural potential of everyone, but it was not developed generally. This is because they had repeatedly stuck in the situation to choose between growth and safety. Safety is an attractive choice, but only growth can lead us to self actualization. If we choose play safe rather than dangerous of growth, it will not brings us more toward to self actualization. Parents are advised to not overprotection which orient the child toward safety, and extreme approval which means focus on the child others opinion rather than their own experience. When parents give a clear concept for children, the children will notice that growth choice offer joy and happiness, whereas choice of safety will only lead to boredom. Although growth choice seems dangerous and safety choice offers confirmation, but we have to clear that self actualization is a higher needs and also weakest needs. Therefore ,peoples must pay more effort to compete for it. Besides that, lower needs such as physiological needs, safety and others need higher needs which most of the people keep fighting for it can bring them more satisfaction. Therefore, self actualization is on top of the hierarchy, which is the highest and also the weakest needs. People have to make a clear vision and step to know what they want to achieve it. Maslow also state that human no longer have instincts in the human sense, powerful, unmistakable inner voices which tell them unequivocally what to do, when, where, how and with whom. All that we have left are instinct-remnants. And these are weak, subtle and delicate, very easily drowned out by learning, by cultural expectation, by fear ,by disapproval. (Maslow, 1968b,p191). Maslow added the diminutive ending and called them instinctoid. The weakness of higher instinctoid is they are sometimes insufficient to lead us fully to self actualization. Furthermore, Jonah complex which is the people are convinced that it is impossible to do anything very important and it will to dream to their highest potential, which means self actualization, it will leave them unhappy. STEPS TO SELF ACTUALIZATION Next, we should realize that self actualization plays an important role in our daily life as our age is increasing. Therefore, people might ask what to do can get into self actualization? Heres 11 steps that we can do to achieve self actualization in ourselves. First step is you need to assess your life. Assess statement which means that you should ask yourself are you living a life that you find deeply rewarding and meaningful ? This is not a once and only step. This is a question you have to ask yourself regularly. For example , what you were doing until nowadays to assess and make your life meaningful. If you work as a teacher, you must know that this job is a honored work as you are passing knowledge to the students. If you regularly asked yourself and you get to know the answer, your life will be more meaningful and tend to get into self actualization. Assess your motive is the second step. You have to keep ask yourself, are you holding yourself back because of fear? Everyone should make a choice that desire to grow, rather than reaction to fear. Dont think about what will happen after you made your life decision but keep motivate yourself and think what is the best for your life. Third step is willing to change. If you feel your life isnt a rewarding, youll need to change it, willing to make a move and change a new direction. You have to open yourself to possibility. If you keep closing yourself off to the world, you are going to miss a lot of amazing things in the world. Part of the process to achieved self actualization is allowing those pain at the past, old mindsets and prejudice idea go away. You need to create a sort of blank slate within yourself to begin reconstructing the view of point to see the world. Forth step is started to take the responsibility. You cant expect others to make changes for you. Its your life and its up to you to make the necessary changes that will lead to greater fulfillment. To do this, you may start from small. As with most other tasks, acting responsibility works best when you can get a bit of momentum going. If you feel crushed under a backlog of responsibilities, start with a few small or fast tasks. This can help you gain confidence to take bigger responsibility. Next, is cherish your uniqueness. Be prepared to break away from the herd and be different. Dont be afraid to follow your impulses and dont give into the negative self-talk. Choose to look at things in a different perspective. Then, give yourselves more option, wider your mind and make your dreams alive. When the negative discussion starts, make positive thought even stronger than negative thought. Sixth step is realize your dreams. Instead of lay on bed and dream about what you want, write down your goals and take the appropriate action to achieve them. If you are students and want to get an excellent result in the exam, take a piece of paper and list down the steps to achieve the goal. For example go for a tuition class and make study group with your friends. When you start to make the move, then you can only nearer and nearer to your dream. Seventh step is accept your fallibility. That means, be willing to says, I was wrong .Be honest with yourself and with others. Dont be afraid if you have done something wrong and brave to admit it. Most of the people dare not to admit what he was doing wrong and keep denied or blamed on others. This will not improve yourself but only will put yourselves backward. Besides that, is always learn from the good times. Try to repeat experiences that you find deeply meaningful or awe-inspiring or that lead to feelings of excitement, ecstasy, humility or personal fulfillment. For example, if you have involved in the charity program and you are really enjoyed with it, why not if you get more and more to involved into another charity program? This will bring such a inspiring in your life. Furthermore, is join in which means get involved in life. You have to become an active member of your community. For example ,form a neighborhood watch group. If your neighborhood doesnt already have one, learn how to be a neighborhood watch coordinator and get your neighbors involved. This is a great way to get to know the families living on your street, and you can help other neighborhoods get going once you have experience. Next, is look for the good in others. Every one of us has good points and bad. Usually we will overlook the good and only focus on the bad and mistake. Therefore, you have to make it a habit to find out the good part of someone. You should be also have to be more positive thinking .Positive thinking doesnt mean that you keep your head in the sand and ignore lifes less pleasant situations. Positive thinking just means that you approach the unpleasantness in a more positive and productive way. Positive thinking may lead to a good health. Health benefits in positive thinking include the increased of life span ,lower rates of depression, lower levels of distress and so much more. And here comes the last steps which is step eleventh is assess your progress. Take the time to reflect on all that youve accomplished as well as to honestly assess how you can do more to improve your life and the lives of those around you. For example, assess your progress at your work. This is the time to actually get to work. You need to note down your accomplishments of the last year. Then is the time to question what is different in the current year. Be aware of all the things you have accomplished as well. Your accomplishments give you a sense of confidence and help you achieve your goals in a better manner. They also give you a sense of focus. CONCLUSION Maslow had state out that human are much more than physical object and therefore the methods in physical science have no relevant to the study of humans. He also indicate that psychology have to attempt to understand humans who are in the process of finding out their full potential. Thats why we have to know how the people think and which way to use to motivate them. Therefore, Maslow used most of his times and energies trying to understand superior human. The hierarchy of needs which proposed by Abraham Maslow shows that the lower the needs in the hierarchy, more basic they are. However , everyone have to achieve the lowest needs before deal with the highest need. The highest need, which is self actualization, meant they reaching their full potential, figure out who they are and the meaning of their life. The self actualizing people shares some common characteristics. For example, they tend to be more independent. They less rely on others. Besides that, they are creative which always provide some new and brilliant ideas that special and never try before. Although most of us are creative, but self actualizing people are more nature, naive that would used their creativeness to makes the world better. To achieve self actualization, people may also meet some obstacle. Therefore, it is important to choose the correct ways and steps to reach self actualization. Last but not least, out there was thousand million people on the earth, but not much of them can achieved self actualization. This shows that to achieve this goal seems easy but it was hard. Most of the people stuck on physiological needs, safety, belonging and loves need and esteem needs. They spend most of their life to satisfy those lower needs and forget about the highest needs. The needs become more fragile when goes higher the hierarchy which means their satisfaction is easily been block. Therefore, humans have to be strong to themselves and their faith to drive their innate to the best. Human have to be true to themselves and their own nature. Peoples should also have a good planning of their life so that it can motivate them to achieve the goal step by step so that they can finally achieved self actualization.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Culture in Willy Russells Educating Rita Essay -- Educating Rita Essay

Over the last few weeks I have been reading a play by an author called Willy Russell, it is called Educating Rita. The play begins by introducing the two main characters, Frank and Rita. Rita is a young woman in her mid twenty?s, living in a working class culture. Rita is not happy with the way her life is going, she wants to be seen as more middle class, so she decided to take a course at the Open University to study litterateur. Frank on the other hand is Rita?s tutor at the university also middle aged alcoholic living in a middle class culture. Frank is unhappy with the way things are going in his life, his wife has left him due to an argument over poetry and he is now living with a younger tutor named Julia. The play unfolds as Frank and Rita?s cultures clash together. Educating Rita was first performed in the 1980s. This was a particularly strange time for people in Britain because there was a great deal of civil unrest, this meant the people were not happy with the way the government was running the country. There was also a mining strike and unemployment was very hi...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

TUBA: A Waray Heritage

They drink a lot of these because of its effects that can make them high or drunk and makes them forget their problems. Not only problematic people do these, but also those people who want to have fun, not knowing the effects that will happen to some parts of their body of drinking too much of it. Too much intake of these liquors can cause kidney cancer which makes it more expensive when it comes to treatment. This illness won't happen if they choose the right liquor to drink. In Visas, Wary people, who live in Samara-Letter have their own product called Tuba or in English, Coconut Red Wine.It's much cheaper than the there branded liquors because it's easily made and local, but, it gives health benefits to the drinker and can also make a person drunk and healthy. Tuba is among the best wines in the world which provides multiple wine benefits that our body can get. They also have this tradition in Visas wherein Warranty's used to drink Tuba every Sunday as a reward to their hard work during weekdays. They call it Domingo. In Luzon, it is known as Lambing but in Visas, it is known as Tuba, Ball or Balling and the only thing which makes the two of them different is the color and the mixture.In the Visas region, particularly in Letter and Samara, the Tuba is called Coconut Red Wine because of its color; it is red in color because it is mixed with Bark (a Mangrove tree that is reddish in color). On the other hand, the Tuba in Luzon is called Coconut Vodka and it is Just a pure sap and no Bark mixed in it and is almost colorless and sometimes milky white in color. Wars are producing a lot of good quality tuba, ball, and balling. Tuba or Coconut Wine has been in the lives of many Filipinos for a long-time now. It has been drunk by their ancestors before the Spaniards came.Today, we have indulged ourselves in the internationally acclaimed liquors like gins, vodkas, rums and the popular beer. This, however, depends if one can stomach such liquid into going all- out over night but, most people say, â€Å"drink moderately'. But if every person who drinks liquors would try the different aroma and taste of Tuba, which would certainly give a new flavor to a person's next-day hangover, they will love this different kind of drink. But it's the local flavor that counts and it certainly gives an old-school taste in today's modern Samara-Letter.But what is more interesting is the fact that this Tuba is to Just like other liquors because this has an extra-ordinary power which can help people in many ways. This is the reason why the researchers got curious about Tuba. The secret behind this; why is this still admired by others aside from the fact that this is already a new age in the society. To help not only the business persons, but as well as the economy of the country, this is being exported into other countries. So who would say that this is Just a simple drink that doesn't have any benefits at all aside from giving happiness to every person that drink t his?Be admired and be amazed by the spirit of the Wary heritage of Tuba. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM The research aims to answer the following questions which are also the main focus of this research: 1. What is the process of making tuba? 2. What is the reason why it still exists and patronized by others? 3. What are the health benefits of Tuba? DEFINITION OF TERMS Management or Mismanaging – the Tuba gatherer; a person who prepares the collection of coconut sap and climbs the coconut tree to collect the sap.Sagging(scythe) – the knife used by a Management to cut the coconut flower. Sap – The nectar that comes out when you cut an inflorescence or unopened coconut lower. Bark – In Letter, it is the bark of a tree that is reddish-tan in color. According to Wisped it comes from a red Allan tan bark tree, a kind of red mangrove tree. In other parts of Visas they called it Tuning tree, a mangrove believed to be the best bark. Another is Bake , also a mangrove tr ee. This is used for coolant and preservative as it offset fermentation.Paso- a small and short bamboo tube with a diameter enough to fit the size of the bud, also called song in the western part of Letter. Domingo- a tradition in Visas wherein Warranty's used to drink Tuba every Sunday as a reward to their hard work during weekdays. SCOPE AND LIMITATIONS The research focuses on the study about the Tuba or Coconut Red Wine and do not covers on other type of Filipino wine. The study is only limited on the places within Samara and Letter because these are the nearest places from the place of study, the Saint Paul School of Business and Law.The research only aims to know the information that can answer the questions stated in the Statement of the Problem. REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE Coconut Red Wine is a traditional Philippine wine came from the coconut tree. Another type of drink we can get from coconut is â€Å"Lambing† or coconut vodka and is merely known in the part of Luzo n. The tuba and lambing is closely related. They only differ in mixture and color. A study about lambing made by TED Case Studies dated on 2005 entitled Lambing: A Philippine drink.It covers the process of making the alcoholic beverage,Lambing which is known for its potency. It is primarily produced in Guenon Province of the Philippines,or about 143 km southeast of Manila. It focuses on Cultural Relevance, Government Involvement, Environmental Impact, and Market Penetration and Potential. The only thing it differs from our research is that our research is limited only in Region 8 , particularly in Samara-Letter. And our research discusses about the process in making Tuba and other related features about it.On the other hand, they are similar in such a way that the both researchers studied about the liquors that can we get from Coconut Sap. BODY The process of making tuba starts when the tuba gatherer called â€Å"management† climbs a coconut tree. While on top the coconut tre e, he would sit on the base of palm's frond and looks for a newly sprouting bud of bunch of coconut flower that is till completely encased in its taking (green pod). The bud of coconut fruit (inflorescence) is lopped off by slicing its very tip using a razor-sharp sagging (scythe) to cause the sap to ooze out from the bud.The stalk of the wounded bud is then pushed down to force it to bend and to position its tip to point downward making it easy to collect the dripping Juice as it drips. A container called Paso (small and short bamboo tube with a diameter enough to fit the size of the bud, also called song in the western part of Letter) is then attached by inserting the wounded tip of the bud not the mouth of Paso and sealed by wrapping around a sheath of giant (coconut sheath) and tying it securely with lapis (strips from coconut frond's bark or strip of rattan).This is done to prevent the rainwater from contaminating with the collected sap if the rain comes. With the availability of plastic cellophane and synthetic straw string, giant and lapis are sometimes no longer used as wrapper and binder. Paso is then left hanging on the tip of the bud for the whole day to collect the slowly dripping sap. The management would climb down and proceed to another coconut tree to do the same routine. The management (tuba gatherer) lops off the bud of coconut fruit (inflorescence) using a razor-sharp sagging (scythe).Refreshing the wound will assure continuous oozing of sap from the bud. By afternoon, the management would climb back to gather the Juice collected in the Paso and pour it into the hangout or Kuwait (big bamboo pole container) brought along by the management which he hung behind his shoulder (a wooden hook that fits the shoulder is attached on it, making it easy to carry up and down in the tree). The emptied Paso is then cleaned using a potholing (bamboo plunger, also called Paton r pate in Along) that would scrape off the sediments left behind and the assorted kinds of insects that came into it.The waste is thrown out by tapping the potholing on the frond of coconut palm. Then the tip of the bud is sliced off again to reopen the wound so that the coconut Juice would continue to ooze out. This is necessary because an old wound retards the oozing out of sap from the bud. The Paso is placed back on the tip of the bud before the management would climb down. Everyday thereafter, the management routinely tend to the same coconut bud until bout half of its length is totally sliced off and the bud's taking (pod) would start to burst open and the beauty (tentacle-like stalks) inside are no longer tender.When freshly gathered from the coconut tree, tuba is milky-white in color, tastes sweet, and effervescent (continuously producing tiny bubbles creating a cream-colored froth). This freshly gathered tuba, with no tuning in it, is said to be good for nursing mothers (as last resort). The unblended tuba will last only for one day as it immediately tu rns sour on the next day that eventually becomes Susann tuba on overall days more. If the freshly gathered tuba is mixed with tuning (a. . A. Bark), it tastes bitter-sweet and turns reddish-orange in color. If tuning is added as soon as possible, as if the Juice is still in the potholing or song, the coconut sap is immediately prevented from becoming sour, instead the tuning-blended Juice would ferment and would be aged over time to become ball or balling. A tuba that is freshly fermented with tuning and still effervescent is called bag-Eng data (a day- old or freshly gathered tuba).After about 12 hours of fermentation, the effervescence tops and the coconut wine becomes ball (or liana in some other places), meaning the wine is a full pledge tuba. For the first 2 weeks, tuba is filtered by siphoning to decant it out from its storage, leaving behind the laws (sediments) that settles at the bottom of the container. After a month of fermentation, tuba is then called a Balling (aged coc onut red wine) that is darker in color and tastes and smells like a fruit red wine. The longer it is stored the better it becomes.Tuba must be stored under shade, better if not totally exposed to any form of light, that is why some tuba maker bury heir Jars of tuba in the ground or hide them inside the house and covered the Jars with black cloth to avoid the souring bacteria to subsist that causes the souring of tuba. The container must also be filled up to its brim, devoid of any air inside, and tightly sealed the opening to prevent the airborne souring bacteria from contaminating the coconut wine. A contaminated tuba will tastes sour and becomes vinegar called Susann tuba (coconut vinegar). Http://www. Letter- tourism. Attachable. Net/Letter-tuba/, 2013) Drinking coconut wine is good for the health; however extreme consumption of it may cause several health risks and is also gizzards. It is always important that you drink moderately. The following are only some of its health benef its: Promotes Longevity. Wine drinkers are observed to have a 34 percent lower mortality rate than beer drinkers. Reduces Heart Attack Risk. Moderate wine drinkers who suffer high blood pressure are 30 percent less likely to experience heart attacks than non-wine-drinkers.Lowers Risk of Heart Disease. Red wine tannins contain proclamation, compounds commonly found in red wines which are good for the blood vessels and protect against heart disease. Reduces Risk of Type 2 Diabetes. Compared to nondrinkers, moderate wine drinkers are 30 percent less likely to develop type 2 diabetes. Lowers Risk of Stroke. People who consume moderate amount of alcohol are likely to experience of about 50 percent possibility drop from suffering a blood-clot related stroke. Cuts Risk of Cataracts.Moderate drinkers are less likely to get cataracts than nondrinkers while those who consume wine are 43 percent less likely to develop cataracts than those mainly drinking beer. Cuts Risk of Colon Cancer. Modera te wine consumption cuts the risk of colon cancer by 45 percent. Slows Brain Decline. Brain functions dramatically decline on nondrinkers than on moderate wine drinkers. Gaining these wine benefits is particularly simple. All you need to do is choose the finest wine that suits your taste and surely gives the wine benefits mentioned above.Eastern Visas has the premium wine from fresh coconut saps which is carefully processed to give you a delicious experience of its clear, smooth and unique taste. (http:// www. Vacationland. Com/, 2013) In Visas, there are at least three common ways of serving tuba: one is Signal, another is may chaser and the manly purr. â€Å"Tag† is that serving of tuba poured in the glass. ) Signal tuba is blended with lots of cola like coke, Pepsi and etc. It makes the wine very sweet and fruity to your palate and throat. The drinkers usually use this way when tuba has that Eskimos (Souris) taste so as to mask the taste.This is also used when drinkers are not brave enough to savor the strong taste of good (not Souris) tuba. Another way is May chaser (a. K. A. Disinterest) tuba is also served with a chaser of cola or any sweet drink, such as Juice, chocolate drink, sweetened coffee, etc. The only difference is that the cola is not blended to Tuba. The chaser is immediately served after swigging tuba. They dare to savor first the true taste of tuba then iron out their squirming face with a chaser. And the last one is called Purr- from the Spanish word purr (meaning â€Å"pure†).One has to swig a tag of pure tuba without sipping any chaser afterward. This will surely give you the truest meaning of saying â€Å"Ayah! † to a drink. This is also considered the best way of drinking Tuba because in this way you will surely taste the original taste or the strong taste of Tuba. METHODOLOGY The topic about the most famous liquor in Samara-Letter came into the minds of the researchers. The study of the topic was more on interview and researching information from the internet and trig-media than on disseminating survey questionnaires.The researchers interviewed Managements from different area of the region, namely from Bases, Tactical and Marabou to know the process of making tuba and their secrets behind its flavor or taste. The researchers went to Tactical City, Letter and interviewed suppliers/importers of Tuba to know their way of selling it also some of the small store owners of Tuba businesses. The rest of the information was gathered through reading the newspaper, listening to the news and surfing in the internet. And also through the information gathered, the researchers analyzed those data and organized the information taken up.SUMMARY The researchers learned the process of making Tuba by interviewing the manufacturers of it called Management. Tuba came from a coconut tree and is made through a process of extracting the sap of an unopened coconut bud. It has a stinging sweet and bittersweet taste. Th e tip of the bud is lopped and the pale Juice allowed trickling into bamboo containers. A sturdy tree yields about a gallon of liquid daily. From coconut water, comes a syrup concentrate for tuba. Tuba is a sweet, fresh or mildly fermented sap taken from tapping the young expanded flowers of the coconut.The researchers also learned the health benefits of drinking Tuba. It promotes longevity, reduces heart attack risk, lowers risk of heart disease, reduces risk of type 2 diabetes, lowers risk of stroke, cut risks of cataracts and cut risks of colon cancer. The Tuba still exist up to the present because of its uniqueness in terms of taste, aroma, and also of its price compared to other wine. And also it is considered as one of the beneficial wine in the world. The researchers also learned the three common ways of serving tuba, one is Signal, and another is my chaser and the manly purr.The researchers successfully answered the question they were curious of. CONCLUSION The researchers c oncluded that tuba is preferable than other liquors because of the health benefits it gives to the drinker. The reason also why it still exist because of the cheap price and the benefit it gives to drinker, not only to the drinker, but also to the economy of the country through exports to other countries. The researchers also concluded that the process of making tuba is clean but hard to make because of the tall coconut trees that the managements climb every day Just to make it.But, it's worth it because it can help our country, not only our country, but also to the health of each person who drinks it making him/her healthier. RECOMMENDATION Based on the data gathered and the study conducted, the researchers recommend that the business persons engaged with the business on Tuba making, as well as to the government to continue exporting this kind of wine into other countries abroad o that this would be recognized by other people outside the country. And also, due to the continuous exp ortation of Tuba, the Philippines will be more famous and popular than it is today.The researchers also recommend to other students who are graduate and undergraduate of business courses to engage in this type of business, the Tuba Making. Aside from the additional income that It can brought to themselves as well as to the country, it may also help the people who drink this to become healthier because of the benefits it can gives us. The researchers recommend also hat related researchers with regards to the topic should be conducted so that this type of Filipino heritage, the tuba should be more known in our country.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

The Twilight Saga 5: Midnight Sun 22. The Hunt

We were weaving in and out of traffic as James followed us. We were driving north towards Vancouver. Each second that I spent away from Bella I could feel my body's fresh tear ache. Half of me was with her, without her I could never be whole. We drove until we were only thirty miles away from Vancouver before I heard a distant ringing. It was just a faint echoing sound. It's about time, she better have good news for me about the human. About the human? It was definitely James' thoughts I heard as he continued to stay out of our vision, keen to not be spotted. â€Å"Carlisle, slow down,† I ordered while looking wildly around. Carlisle released his foot from the gas and the Jeep slowly drifted down to sixty as he looked sideways at me. â€Å"What is it?† Carlisle asked, anxious. â€Å"James has just received a phone call,† I explained. â€Å"Where did they take her?† James was wildly enthusiastic at the prospect of finding her when I was nowhere near her. I was too far away from him to hear the other end of the conversation so I settled with listening through James' mind. â€Å"I don't know. They mixed the smell up and she was not in the truck. It was two female vampires and they drove west until we were several miles away from Forks. She must still be there. They tricked us,† I heard Victoria say. Idiotic woman! James roared in his head. â€Å"Find her!† he commanded and hung up the phone. James ran the opposite direction of the road, flying feverously away from the Jeep until I couldn't hear his thoughts anymore. â€Å"Stop!† I yelled. Carlisle slammed on the brakes as the Jeep slid to a halt on the side of the highway. â€Å"What is it?† Emmett and Carlisle asked at the same time. â€Å"He knows that Bella isn't in the truck. He has a cell phone. He's sent Victoria back to Forks because he believes she is still there.† I didn't expect the nomad to have something as technologically advanced as a cell phone considering how they live. But I remembered something that Laurent had said, â€Å"He's every bit as comfortable in the human world as you seem to be, and he won't come at you head on†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Emmett and Carlisle both understood instantly that Victoria had realized Bella was not in the truck. â€Å"I'll call Esme,† Carlisle said while picking up his cell phone and dialing her number quickly. I heard Esme's voice on the other line. â€Å"Carlisle,† she began but he cut her off to explain what happened. â€Å"She knows that Bella isn't with you and suspects that she is still in Forks. Go back and watch Charlie, make sure he's safe. Send Rosalie to find Victoria and follow her. We need to make sure that she isn't able to track Bella. We'll chase after James,† Carlisle's lips were blurred at the fast motion of his speech. â€Å"I'll tell her. Carlisle, I love you, be careful,† Esme said affectionately. â€Å"I love you, too and I will.† Carlisle hung up the phone. Let me go after him, please Edward. Emmett was begging in his mind. I turned around to face him. â€Å"We'll both go.† I turned to Carlisle. â€Å"Continue north until you reach the airport. Keep an eye out for him there ?C if we lose track of him I want to make sure we know where he is headed. We will keep you up to date.† He nodded. Emmett and I dashed from the Jeep and headed towards the forest where I last heard James' thoughts. When we caught up with his scent I could hear his faint hasty footsteps but he was too far away for me to hear his mind. The sun was peeking through the canopy of trees as the night sky began to slowly lighten the forest floor, bathing it in a pleasant golden glow. Can you hear his thoughts? What are his plans? Emmett asked. â€Å"No. He is too far away from us.† I spoke quickly. Go ahead of me and see what you can find out. Hey ?C don't get too close without me, Emmett chuckled. I want a piece of him too. I rolled my eyes and darted faster than ever towards the one creature who threatened Bella's life more than I already had. I had trouble catching up to him but I was able to finally hear one thought. She's still in Forks. I slowed some to let Emmett catch up with me. â€Å"I think he's going to head back to Forks†¦but I don't understand – he isn't running that direction. He keeps running north and not in a straight path. I think he's trying to get us off his trail.† I explained to Emmett. Maybe we could split up and try to trap him, he suggested. â€Å"That might be what he wants. Let's just keep together for now.† You're just afraid I'll catch up to him before you and will miss the opportunity to kill him, Emmett was plainly trying not to laugh. I sighed loudly at his thoughts, though he was partially correct ?C I did want to personally rip him to shreds. I could see the dim city lights of Vancouver begin to get closer to us. As the sun rose the windows on the large buildings began to shimmer and reflect onto the large city. I hadn't heard any thoughts or any noise from James for several miles. I only continued to follow his scent. When we reached the forest edge we stood in the shadows looking out at the partially sunny grounds. Emmett's eyes glowed a honey color in the dazzling sunlight. It's too sunny. Emmett looked up like he was willing the clouds to form. As soon as he thought the words a long cloud loomed into view, moving closer to the sun until a shadow hung over us and the city below turned grey and dark. â€Å"Let's go,† I commanded with a bite of impatience in my voice. We continued to follow his scent as we made our way across town until it ended abruptly at a car rental store. â€Å"Crap,† we both said together. I grabbed my cell phone out of my pocket and dialed Carlisle's number. â€Å"Edward,† he answered. â€Å"Carlisle, James has rented a car and I need to get something out of my bag to try and find out where he went. We are at sixteen ninety-six west, first Avenue. Hurry!† I said quickly. â€Å"I'm on my way,† he hung up the phone. In a few short minutes Carlisle was speeding around the corner and came to a shuddering halt in front of us. I opened the back door and pulled my bag out, opening it to reveal my many ID's. Inside I had a Royal Canadian Mounted Police badge that our family previously used to protect ourselves. I snatched it up and swept over the threshold of the car rental store. The girl behind the desk was startled at my appearance. â€Å"Can I help you?† she stuttered while scrutinizing my face. I flashed my badge. â€Å"Yes. I'm with the RCMP. Ma'am, there was a man in here today that is ye tall,† I put my hand to James' height, â€Å"and has long light brown hair. He would have rented a car from you today. I need to know the make and model and where he was headed. He is a murderer and we have only recently caught on to his trail.† A murderer! â€Å"Yes, sure†¦there was only one man in here this morning to rent a car. Let me print out the information.† She began typing on the keyboard and clicking her mouse. I could have been killed, she thought frantically as she searched for the information I requested. Her mind began to panic as she read the information on the screen. She looked away before I was able to read it. She turned her face to mine, her eyes wide with terror. â€Å"Um†¦Ã¢â‚¬  she hesitated nervously. â€Å"The car has already been returned to another branch.† â€Å"Where?† I asked with an inarticulate yell of rage. â€Å"The airport,† she said in a high pitched whisper. Panic erupted through my stomach as I realized I had no idea where he was going. My only conclusion is that he was going back to Forks, but I wasn't positive. I clenched my fists and ran out towards the Jeep and without saying a word Carlisle he was speeding quickly south towards Washington. â€Å"We need to know if he shows up in Forks,† I said hastily. Carlisle was dialing Esme's number before I was able to speak anymore. I heard Esme answer the phone. â€Å"Hello.† â€Å"Esme, what has Victoria been doing?† Carlisle asked politely yet hurriedly. â€Å"Rosalie followed her to Charlie's house. Don't worry, he wasn't home. I am not sure what she was looking for there†¦maybe to find a lead on where Bella might be. Rosalie said that she has been following Bella's scent all through town and even stopped by the school before anyone was there.† Esme spoke quickly. â€Å"James' got away from us. We think that he got on a plane to go back to Forks. Please be careful. We'll be there shortly.† Carlisle said gravely. I heard Esme gasp over the phone. â€Å"Victoria also went to the airport,† she whispered. Carlisle pressed the accelerator down harder and the Jeep groaned as we were hitting one forty. â€Å"Be careful. We're on our way back.† Panic was present in Carlisle's thoughts. Please let us get back there before he does, he thought. They said their goodbyes. As soon as Carlisle hung up the phone he was instantly dialing another number ?C Alice. â€Å"Carlisle,† Alice trilled. â€Å"Are you in Phoenix and is Bella safe?† asked Carlisle. â€Å"Yes,† replied Alice. â€Å"We lost track of James. We believe he is headed towards Forks. Victoria has been searching for leads and clues hoping to find a way to Bella.† Carlisle spoke calmly. â€Å"I just saw him in a room. It's long, and there are mirrors everywhere. The floor is wooden. There is a gold stripe across the mirrors. It's still very cloudy ?C he hasn't made a decision yet. He'll be in this room today or maybe tomorrow. I've also seen him watching something from a VCR in another place but it is too dark to see. He brings the video he watched back to the room with the mirrors but he doesn't watch it like he does in the dark room. The room with the mirrors is the room where he waits. Whatever made him get on that plane†¦it was leading him to those rooms,† Alice explained to Carlisle. â€Å"Let me speak to Bella,† I held my hand out for the phone. â€Å"Is Bella awake? Edward would like to speak to her,† Carlisle asked. â€Å"Yes,† Alice said while Carlisle handed the phone to me. â€Å"Hello?† My heart rejoiced at hearing her voice. â€Å"Bella,† I said devotedly. â€Å"Oh, Edward! I was so worried,† she squeaked. Why was she worried about me? She should be worried about herself. â€Å"Bella,† I sighed in frustration. â€Å"I told you not to worry about anything but yourself.† â€Å"Where are you?† She demanded. â€Å"We're outside of Vancouver. Bella, I'm sorry ?C we lost him. He seems suspicious of us ?C he's careful to stay just far enough away that I can't hear what he's thinking. But he's gone now ?C it looks like he got on a plane. We think he's heading back to Forks to start over.† I felt like a fool for falling for his car rental trick. â€Å"I know. Alice saw that he got away.† â€Å"You don't have to worry, though. He won't find anything to lead him to you. You just have to stay there and wait till we find him again,† my voice hinted at my disapproval for her doing anything else. â€Å"I'll be fine. Is Esme with Charlie?† she asked, concerned. She was always so selfless, worried about everyone else but herself. I tried to calm her frenzied nerves. â€Å"Yes ?C the female has been in town. She went to the house, but while Charlie was at work. She hasn't gone near him so don't be afraid. He's safe with Esme and Rosalie watching.† â€Å"What is she doing?† she whispered. â€Å"Probably trying to pick up the trail. She's been all through the town during the night. Rosalie traced her through the airport, all the roads around town, the school†¦she's digging, Bella, but there's nothing to find.† I hope, I added internally. â€Å"And you're sure Charlie's safe?† I suppressed a sigh to her ever selflessness. â€Å"Yes, Esme won't let him out of her sight. And we'll be there soon. If the tracker gets anywhere near Forks, we'll have him.† And I pictured tearing him to shreds and burning him, hoping that this beating would come sooner than later so I could have Bella in my arms again. â€Å"I miss you,† she barely whispered. My heart ached every second we were apart from each other. My body still felt torn in two. â€Å"I know, Bella. Believe me, I know. It's like you've taken half my self away with you.† â€Å"Come and get it, then,† she coaxed me. It was very tempting, but I had to take care of James first. â€Å"Soon, as soon as I possibly can. I will make you safe first.† I said fiercely. â€Å"I love you,† she croaked. I had continually put her life in danger since the moment I met her and she still loved me. Despite the situation we were currently in my heart leapt at her words. â€Å"Could you believe that, despite everything I've put you through, I love you, too?† â€Å"Yes, I can, actually,† she said matter-of-factly. â€Å"I'll come for you soon,† I promised. â€Å"I'll be waiting.† I hung the phone up. The day slipped away and extinguished its self as we drove quickly through the dark and winding road towards Forks. My mind was constantly thinking of the many ways I would torture and kill James. Emmett's line of thought was not far from my own, but he really just wanted a fight. He did want to protect Bella, but he was getting enjoyment out of this and I was not. When we finally arrived back in Washington we were greeted by Rosalie, who was still screaming nasty retorts in her mind at me. â€Å"I've followed Victoria everywhere but she hasn't returned to the airport and James has still not shown up. I've waited at the airport since Esme called me.† Rosalie spoke to Carlisle only. â€Å"Where is Victoria now?† asked Carlisle. â€Å"She has disappeared. I have no idea where she went. The rain has washed any lingering scent and between Esme and me we couldn't keep an eye on her, Charlie and the airport,† Rosalie explained. Carlisle placed a hand on her shoulder. â€Å"It's okay, you did an excellent job.† We continued to search throughout the day for Victoria and James but neither of them were around. We couldn't find any traces of their scent anymore. Rosalie kept guard at the airport. As each hour passed with no luck of finding either of them I felt a weight in my chest drop sickeningly down into my stomach. I felt like there was something wrong, like I was missing something crucial. Night came and we still had absolutely no luck in finding the two. It was about two in the morning when all of a sudden I felt my phone vibrate. I pulled it out of my pocket to read Alice's name on the caller ID. I felt my heart sink. When I opened it to answer Alice spoke so swiftly I didn't even have the chance to speak. â€Å"Edward, James is in Phoenix. I saw it in a vision; you need to get here now! He has been to her mother's house and at her old ballet studio.† Alice was uneasy. Carlisle and Emmett were with me and they both nodded their heads to me. We'll go with you, they both thought together, Emmett more eager than Carlisle. â€Å"We'll take the first flight out of Seattle. It leaves at five thirty, and then Carlisle, Emmett and myself are going to take Bella somewhere and hide her. We'll meet you at the airport,† I rushed through my words while running towards the Jeep to get our bags and then towards Seattle with Emmett and Carlisle behind me. I hung up the phone and in a short time we were outside of Seattle. The lights from the town became brighter the closer we raced towards the airport. Are you okay? Carlisle thought as we were running. â€Å"Not really,† I whispered. Don't worry, son. We'll get there and take her away some place safe. Carlisle reassured me. We arrived outside the airport and queued in line. Each second passed slowly as people weighed their bags and showed their ID's. Carlisle finally reached the desk. â€Å"Hello, we need three tickets to Phoenix, please,† he said politely to the man behind the counter. â€Å"We only have first class left,† the man informed us. â€Å"That's fine. Three first class tickets then,† Carlisle smiled to the man behind the counter and his heart raced along with his mind. There is something weird about these guys, especially the big one†¦creepy, he thought. He handed the tickets over the counter once we showed proper ID. We flew through the airport until we arrived at the gate. The waiting game we played tore at my nerves. Each second that Bella was in danger made my insides feel like they were being put through a grinder. Each thought of her being hurt ripped through my heart leaving big gaping holes. When we entered the plane we sat quickly in the front. As the passengers waited in a long line for others to put their luggage away, I was having to concentrate every particle of my mind not to snap their necks, take over the plane and fly it to Phoenix myself. I could feel the pulses of those closest to me and a woman flinched away when she accidently touched my cold skin. Carlisle had placed his hand on my shoulder, guessing what I was planning in my mind. Take it easy, Edward. I'm sure she will be fine. We'll get there and take her away, Carlisle tried to calm my nerves again. When the plane finally speed down the tarmac I laid my head back trying to think of anything else besides the danger I had brought upon Bella. The plane ascended quickly into the early morning sky. I started imagining the many places we could go. Isle Esme, perhaps? Or maybe Europe. I contemplated. I began thinking about us being alone together. Bella was in immediate danger but all I could think about is how wonderful it would be to hold her every day and every night and never have to worry about bringing her back. I would let her warm me every chance she got. My fantasies spun wildly out of control, but it was the only way I could keep my mind from racing the other way, towards Bella's possible death. Carlisle was reading a book about modern medicine while Emmett put ear phones in to watch a movie. I looked to see what the movie was because Emmett was contemplating all the moves he would have been making in each fight sequence. Fight Club, of course, I suppressed laughter at his many thoughts. I dove deeper into Emmett's mind, watching him mentally kick Brad Pitt's ass. It was quite entertaining. When the movie ended I started searching through Carlisle's mind to see if he had found anything interesting to read. He was reading about a new technology to remove different kinds of brain cancer that are almost impossible to get to without damaging the patient. â€Å"We are about to land in Phoenix Arizona where the time is nine twenty-seven. Looks like we are going to be arriving on a beautiful sunny day, where the temperature is eighty eight degrees,† the stewardess announced over the intercom. The plane began descending towards Phoenix. All I could think about was running across the airport and embracing Bella. The thought of her blushing face as I brought her lips to mine in greeting sent me above the edge, I was holding myself to the seat trying not to leapt up and break through the plane. Uh, Edward†¦you're about to break the seat's arm rests. Emmett smirked in my direction. I looked down and realized that I had left large hand imprints on the seats. I folded my arms across my chest. I felt a jolt as the plane landed onto the concrete air strip. I started to feel a sign of relief when I heard Alice's thoughts. Looks like his plane just landed. I hope Jasper brings Bella back from getting breakfast soon. Jasper is alone with Bella? I was instantly nervous. Why would she let him take her somewhere with no supervision? The plane moved slowly down the tarmac until we reached our gate. The slowness of the air crew had me day dreaming of just bursting through the side of the airplane to get to her. The door was finally opened and they let first class off the plane. We were the first ones to the exit but then we had to deal with the crowd outside the airplane. I began edging through the crowd at the slowest human pace I could imagine. Each second of knowing how close I was but still not there sent anger surging through my veins at the slow human sloths. As we moved closer to the baggage claim I began staring over the heads of the crowd, looking for any sign of Bella. Out of nowhere Alice was standing stock still in front of me with a piece of paper in her hand. Her eyes were wide with horror. â€Å"What is that?† I gasped. She was hiding something from me as she began thinking of different fashion designers from around the world. â€Å"It's from Bella,† Alice cried. â€Å"Where is she?† I began looking around the crowd, hoping beyond hope that she was not in some sort of danger. Alice's hand held out the piece of parchment. I snatched it out of her hand and quickly read over it. Edward, I love you. I am so sorry. He has my mom and I have to try. I know it may not work. I am so very, very sorry. Don't be angry with Alice and Jasper. If I get away from them it will be a miracle. Tell them thank you for me. Alice especially, please. And please, please don't come after him. That's what he wants, I think. I can't bear it if anyone has to be hurt because of me, especially you. Please, this is the only thing I can ask you now. For me. I love you. Forgive me. Bella. â€Å"Wasn't she in the airport with you?† I shouted. Alice cringed from my words but her face showed great sadness. â€Å"Yes,† she whispered. â€Å"Where's Jasper?† my eyes narrowed and I began to see through a red tint. Suddenly Alice showed me two terrifying visions she had since I left Seattle. I dove into her mind as the future continually shifted. The first was a vision of Bella lying on the ground in the ballet studio, I assumed, beaten and dead with James standing over her ?C blood dripping from the corners of his mouth. I felt like I could barely stand. My life was ?C over, gone. She showed me the second vision. Bella telling Jasper she has to go to the bathroom and her running straight through to another exit, fleeing the airport ?C alone. Unconsciously I was running towards the bathroom in Alice's vision. Jasper appeared in my vision and I heard his thoughts. She sure is taking a long time to go to the bathroom. I guess I'm not sure how long it takes for someone to go to the bathroom. I rushed past him and into the ladies bathroom. Loud screams erupted as I started opening stall after stall looking for Bella. I could barely smell her presence in the bathroom. The rest of my family flew in behind me. I rounded on Jasper. â€Å"Why didn't you watch after her?† I cried out. My stomach started plummeting horribly as each second passed. â€Å"She asked to go to the bathroom. I didn't know she would†¦run away,† Jasper looked shocked and ashamed. I didn't have any time to waste; I had to find Bella before she walked into James' lethal hands. I took in a deep breath trying to locate her scent. When I found it I flew out of the bathroom using the other exit and ran towards an elevator. I pressed the button several times impatiently. The elevator was too slow so I rushed down the stairs, opening the door to each floor to take a whiff of the air, looking for Bella. I finally opened the door to the most delicious fragrance, like she was standing in front of me. It must not have been long ago that she was there. I continued to take in deep breaths of the glorious fragrance until I was running outside where her scent no longer lingered at the end of the side walk. I looked up and the warm sun was shining brightly in the sky. I looked down at the edge of the shadow I stood on – where Bella last stood. I fell to my knees as I realized I couldn't follow. Pain began searing through my veins as I realized I was too late to save he r. A scream of agony almost escaped my lips as my body ripped into two. There was no way to find her and I realized that my other half, Bella, would forever be gone.